

We have many reviews from our satisfied clients.

It’s always a joy to hear that the work we do has positively impacted our clients and that they are happy to share their experience.

We are satisfied with the quality of services provided in the 10 years that we have been with Sedgwick Kenya. We have enjoyed a professional and amicable working relationship with SKIB


We would like to confirm that we have been dealing with Sedgwick for several years as one of our brokers. Their services are commendable and we would not hesitate to recommend them to you.

Strathmore University

We would like to confirm that SKIB has been retained through competitive procurement process to provide Insurance Brokerage Services for the last 10 years. The services have been commendable


kengen co
Sedgwick has been providing us with insurance brokerage services since 2019. In light of their satisfactory services, we have no reservations in recommending them for insurance related services


kianda s
We would like to confirm that we have been dealing with Sedgwick for the last 3 years . Their services are commendable and would not hesitate to recommend them


We would like to confirm that we have been dealing with Sedgwick for several years as our brokers. Their services are commendable and would not hesitate to recommend them.
